West Oxfordshire is consulting on its Local Plan

27th March 2015
The WODC Consultation runs from 27 March to 8 May – make your voice heard!
West Oxfordshire District Council is preparing a new Local Plan covering the period 2011 – 2031. The Local Plan sets out a vision of West Oxfordshire in 2031 with a strategy and series of objectives, policies and proposals designed to achieve that vision.
Following on from previous consultations in 2012 and 2014, the final draft version of the new Local Plan has now been prepared and agreed by Cabinet and Council and will be formally published for a statutory 6-week period from Friday 27 March until Friday 8 May 2015.
Make your voice heard!
Visit the WODC website for further details and to view the Local Plan.
Respond here.
Look out for CPRE’s response on our website shortly.
Community Infrastructure Levy
WODC are also consulting on the draft charging schedule for the Community Infrastructure Levy. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a way in which local planning authorities can secure funding from new development towards local infrastructure such as roads, schools and health care. The Council intends to introduce CIL alongside the new Local Plan to help ensure that key infrastructure is delivered.
Visit the WODC website for further details and to view the CIL draft charging schedule.
Both consultations will run for a period of 6 weeks.
All comments must be received by 5pm on Friday 8 May.
CPRE Oxfordshire, 27 March