Kick this idea off the pitch

3rd July 2014
Councillor Ian Hudspeth, Leader of Oxfordshire County Council, has today advocated a new stadium for Oxford United at Water Eaton, in the Oxford Green Belt.
However, he has failed to highlight that this is Green Belt land where development could only be permitted under exceptional circumstances. A commercial multi-seater stadium, with parking and other facilities, is development on an industrial scale and completely unacceptable.
It is surprising that Councillor Hudspeth should be putting forward such a scheme, which is contrary to Government Policy, without any authority. He states that he is acting as an Oxford United fan, not as leader of Oxfordshire County Council. However, it is ridiculous to assume that someone in his position does not carry influence in such matters.
The Oxford Green Belt performs a vital function, preventing urban sprawl and protecting the historic setting of the City. It is there for the benefit of everyone.
The proposal shows the danger of ‘mission creep’ with one development in the Green Belt, in this case the Water Eaton Park & Ride, quickly leading on to further attempts at land grabbing.
We hope that other Oxford United fans will help us quickly kick out this idea.
Read more about the Oxford Green Belt and why it is so important