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Latest news from CPRE Oxfordshire

Oxford Times

Plans for huge urban extension into Green Belt south of Oxford

CPRE responds to consultation on Cherwell’s Local Plan Options Paper – have your say

Oxfordshire Villages

CPRE responds to consultation on West Oxfordshire’s proposed modifications to the Local Plan


Didcot Garden Town consultation – have your say

The Oxford-Cambridge Expressway – heading off the rails?

Oxfordshire Villages

Consultation on Cherwell Local Plan (Part 1) – have your say

Consultation on Proposed Modifications to the West Oxfordshire Local Plan – have your say

Vale Local Plan update

WODC revert to SHMA housing target in Local Plan

CPRE condemns ‘The Great Oxfordshire Housing Stitch-up’ – and calls for return to democratic planning

Final chance to have your say on Main Modifications to Vale Local Plan

New CPRE report published – ‘New model farming: resilience through diversity’