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Latest news from CPRE Oxfordshire

The Oxford-Cambridge Expressway – heading off the rails?

Oxfordshire Villages

Consultation on Cherwell Local Plan (Part 1) – have your say

Consultation on Proposed Modifications to the West Oxfordshire Local Plan – have your say

Vale Local Plan update

WODC revert to SHMA housing target in Local Plan

CPRE condemns ‘The Great Oxfordshire Housing Stitch-up’ – and calls for return to democratic planning

Final chance to have your say on Main Modifications to Vale Local Plan

New CPRE report published – ‘New model farming: resilience through diversity’

First Steps are Crucial for Oxford Local Plan 2036

Increased density could reduce land needed in South Oxfordshire

Public exhibition on proposal to build 900 home development north of Abingdon in Green Belt

Four new Park and Rides proposed for the Oxford Green Belt