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Latest news from CPRE Oxfordshire

Consultation on South Oxon Local Plan – read CPRE’s response

County to decide on Gravel Pits at Cholsey & Clifton Hampden

Consultation on West Oxfordshire District Council’s Local Plan – further evidence

CPRE responds to consultation on Vale Local Plan Part 2

NIC report on Ox-Cam says lots and nothing

Public Inquiry needed for Oxford-Cambridge ‘Growth Corridor’ & ‘Expressway’

Expressway madness – What the District Local Plans don’t tell you…

CPRE’s initial reaction to South Oxfordshire’s Local Plan

CPRE’s initial reaction to the Vale District Council’s Local Plan Part 2

Government consultation on new method for assessing housing need – CPRE’s initial thoughts

Oxford Local Plan – see CPRE’s consultation response

Cherwell District Local Plan Partial Review – CPRE’s response