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Latest news from CPRE Oxfordshire

South Oxfordshire Local Plan – Consultation on Proposed Main Modifications

Proposed changes to the Planning System will reduce local democracy and put our countryside at risk

Dodgy Housing Algorithm would commit Oxfordshire to Exponential Growth

Photo by Simon Godfrey on Unsplash

Cherwell Local Plan 2040

Cherwell District Council votes to accept its Local Plan Part 1 Review – the 4,400 houses in the Oxford Green Belt.

Image courtesy of Reading Borough Council

Reading Transport Strategy 2036

South Oxfordshire Local Plan – Preliminary Conclusions

Chalgrove Airfield proposed development – last chance to have your say

Cherwell LPP1 Review – Inspector’s Report published

Overhaul of England’s Planning System

POETS: Oxford to Cambridge expressway by stealth?

Nice Words – Now Let’s Have The Action