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Latest news from CPRE Oxfordshire

Decision time for the South Oxfordshire District Council draft Plan

CPRE Oxon urges Councillors to reject Cherwell Local Plan

Oxford City Council Consultations – Oxford Local Plan 2036 Main Modifications

We Love Rural Oxfordshire: Save Gavray Meadows film produced with support from CPRE Oxon

Intervention not justified or democratic

New housing design in England overwhelmingly ‘mediocre’ or ‘poor’

Secretary of State threatens to pass South Oxfordshire Local Plan to County Council

2nd Rate Plan for World Class City

Secretary of State asked to call in decision on Cherwell Green Belt

CPRE selects Hogacre Common Eco Park for pilot landscape project

Image courtesy of Stop the Wolf UK

Massive leisure resort planned for Chesterton village, nr Bicester

Oxford City Local Plan Examination: Hearing Sessions announced