Revised NPPF under consultation

an image of the NPPF document against a building site

13th August 2024

At the end of July, the Government issued a revised version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) for consultation.

The NPPF acts as the rulebook for planning, advising local authorities and developers on what they can and cannot do when planning developments and includes a range of policies that ultimately determine what gets built where. It’s a vitally important framework which will form the basis of the planning decisions of the future, shaping how we can build the houses we need in a way that protects natural spaces and involves local communities.

This is an extensive consultation so we are keen to engage positively and in detail to influence policy for the benefit of the countryside.

CPRE will be responding at a National level, and we will be contributing to this highlighting our local issues here in Oxfordshire.

Details of the consultation, which runs until 24 September, can be found here.

We will keep you updated as our response develops.