Oxfordshire Local Transport Plan Consultation

2nd July 2014
Think transport in Oxfordshire is bad now? Wait until we have 90,000 more people! The County Council is looking for your views in a consultation on the main issues which should be covered by the next Oxfordshire Local Transport Plan.
A Local Transport Plan sets out the county’s vision for transport in the area, plus specific objectives and plans.
Oxfordshire County Council is currently working on a new Plan (LTP4), in part to try to work out how to accommodate the massive growth in population that will stem from the Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan (80,000 more jobs by 2030) and the Oxfordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment (100,000 more houses by 2031).
The actual draft Plan will be published for consultation later this year. Meanwhile, however, they are anxious to hear your views on the overall goals and objectives that they should be considering.
The consultation document and background info are available here: Oxfordshire County Council website
CPRE’s view is that the focus should be on sorting out the transport and traffic issues that existing residents have to deal with (including lack of rural public transport, poor maintenance of rural roads, traffic congestion and pollution in some rural villages and transport solutions for accessing the West of the county) before we set out to recruit vast numbers of potential future residents.
It is of course rather ironic that we are allowed to consult on the transport implications in this way, whilst there has been no public consultation on the proposed economic and population growth that is being driven by the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (an unelected body) – see our links above for further info.
CPRE Oxfordshire will be responding to the consultation. If you have views that you would like us to take into account, please email: campaign@cpreoxon.org.uk