Oxfordshire Plan 2050 – consultation begins

18th December 2018
The Oxfordshire Joint Statutory Spatial Plan, now christened the Oxfordshire Plan 2050, will be the forum in which the overall spatial strategy for the county through to 2050 will be decided.
The Statement of Community Involvement is currently out for consultation – Deadline 11 January 2019.
CPRE is in principle supportive of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050, as a way of introducing some much needed strategic planning to the county and allowing consideration of the cumulative environmental and social impacts of growth. However, genuine public engagement is vital, and our response to the consultation is likely to focus on the following areas of concern:
1. Little or no reference to environmental considerations – CPRE believes this issue should be at the heart of the decision making process.
2. The clear and obvious conflict between the timetables for the Oxfordshire Plan and the Ox-Cam Expressway.
3. Timescales appear too tight, with little time for input from local voices.
4. No specific information on how stakeholders will be engaged.
5. Concern that the key elements for growth across Oxfordshire have already been defined.
Visit the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 website for more information and to respond to the Statement of Community Involvement consultation.