Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy – have your say!

25th July 2017
Have your say on the impact of growth and related infrastructure priorities in Oxfordshire – find out more. DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 10 SEPT.
The Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy (OxIS) is an independent report commissioned by Oxfordshire’s six councils who make up the Oxfordshire Growth Board.
The aim of the strategy is to set out the investment in transport, schools, hospitals and other infrastructure needed to support the predicted growth in population, jobs and homes up to 2040.
A technical Stage 1 report was published in April 2017 and work has been progressing on Stage 2 of the work.
The public are being asked for their views on the work to date and are invited to participate in an online engagement exercise.
The consultation closes on 10 September 2017 (previously 3 Sept).
A stakeholder drop-in event will be held on Wednesday 6 September, 2.30 – 7.00pm, Thatcher Business Education Centre, Said Business School, Park End Street, Oxford, OX1 1HP. This event will provide an opportunity to find out more and speak with the project representatives.
Find out more and REGISTER for the event by Thursday 31 August.
For further information contact: Louise Wicks, Strategy & Infrastructure Coordinator, Email: Louise.wicks@oxfordshire.gov.uk or Tel: 07557 082598.
Headline figures:
– Population increase of 267,700 people between 2016 and 2040, an increase of 39%
− 101,000 additional jobs are forecast between 2016 and 2040, an increase of 25%
– 123,000 additional houses, 5,100 per year
− Delivering the necessary infrastructure to support that growth from now to 2040 is estimated to cost at least £8.96 billion in 2016 terms. Only £1/2 bn funding has as yet been identified.
CPRE’s initial views:
CPRE Oxfordshire welcomes the principle of an Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy. Although still fairly broad brush, this is a long overdue assessment of the cumulative infrastructure needs of the county.
It highlights the vast gap between the needs being generated by the overly aggressive growth targets and the reality on the ground.
Since the funding gap is never likely to be met, the truth is that for existing local residents, the quality of life is likely to decline significantly with increased traffic, pressure on services and resources, and a poorer quality environment.
We would urge you to take a look at the document and feed in any comments on areas where you have expertise or first-hand experience.
So far, only the key stakeholders (generally the big companies) have been asked for their views, so it is really important the people who are at the sharp end of these issues also get a say.
For example:
– Does it cover the road needs around you?
– Does it address your water/sewage issues?
– Does it outline what’s needed to protect and enhance your local green space/landscape?
Our key question is, if the missing £8.5bn infrastructure funding doesn’t become available, what steps will be taken to re-visit the growth targets?
CPRE will be responding to the consultation in due course – please keep an eye on this webpage for more information.
CPRE Oxfordshire, 25 July