Respond to Oxfordshire County Council’s consultation on household waste recycling centres by 5 October

24th September 2015
Oxfordshire County Council is consulting on its proposals for the future provision of household waste recycling centres in the county. The consultation runs from 6 Aug 2015 to 5 Oct 2015.
Oxfordshire County Council’s proposal for the future provision of household waste recycling centres (HWRCs) is to reduce the number of centres from seven to three or four, and to change the opening hours of the remaining sites.
See CPRE Oxfordshire’s response to the consultation below.
The results of the consultation will be published by 31 January 2016.
If the County Councils’ proposal is agreed, changes to the HWRCs will be made over the next several years.
See the Council’s HWRC consultation document.
How to respond
Fill in the online questionnaire.
CPRE Oxfordshire, 24 September