Northern Gateway Area Action Plan found ‘sound’ by Inspector

18th June 2015
CPRE Oxfordshire is very disappointed with this outcome. We, along with many others responded to the consultation on the AAP, objecting to the Plan on the grounds that it was ‘unsound’.
The Inspector considered that no amendments were required to the Northern Gateway Area Action Plan (AAP) and that it could be adopted as drafted.
The Inspector’s Report will now go to a meeting of Full Council on 20th July with a recommendation to adopt the AAP. The AAP will then form the basis for determining planning applications on the site, the first of which is likely to follow in the Autumn.
Helen Marshall, Director of CPRE Oxfordshire, said: “We are very concerend that the scheme will have a significant visual impact on the surrounding Green Belt, including Port Meadow. The AAP includes proposals for five storey buildings and we have already seen the devastation that such development can have on the visual amenity of Port Meadow. The Plan will add to the already significant traffic and transport issues in the local area, including the attendant air pollution that will flow from additional cars on the roads.
CPRE and others made strong representations against the AAP and we are very disappointed that the Inspector has chosen to adopt the AAP as drafted.”
See the Inspector’s Report on the City Council’s website.
See CPRE’s response to the consultation on the AAP.
CPRE Oxfordshire, 18 June 2015