Latest threats to Oxford’s Green Belt


14th January 2015

See CPRE’s up-to-date map of current threats to the Oxford Green Belt.

Despite its special ‘protected’ status, the Oxford Green Belt faces almost constant threats from land owners, developers and Oxfordshire district councils, all wanting a little chunk.

The main pressures on Oxford’s Green Belt have been mapped by CPRE on an interactive, web-based map, see here.

CPRE is currently campaigning against two major threats to the Oxford Green Belt:


But there are many more parcels of Green Belt land proposed for development or currently under consideration!

Find out if your nearest Green Belt land is under threat!

Click on our up-to-date map here.

CPRE Oxfordshire strongly believes that the Green Belt remains a vital tool in promoting sustainable forms of living, safeguarding the open countryside and protecting the character of one of England’s ancient cities.


Find out more about why Oxford’s Green Belt matters.


How you can help?

  • Write to your local MP or write a letter to the local press to object to proposed developments in the Oxford Green Belt.
  • Support CPRE in its fight to protect Oxford’s Green Belt.
  • Sign up to CPRE’s monthly e-newsletter to find out more about our campaign work.


CPRE Oxfordshire, 14 January 2015. (Updated 18 December 2017)