Hearings into the West Oxfordshire Local Plan to start on 23 November

2nd November 2015
Planning Inspector Mr Simon Emerson has been appointed to establish whether the West Oxon Local Plan is ‘sound’, taking into account the representations made earlier this year, as well as national policy.
CPRE Oxfordshire will be appearing at the forthcoming West Oxfordshire Local Plan Examination in Public. Whilst we believe that the overall housing numbers are still highly over-exaggerated, we will be supporting the Council’s position that they should adopt a lower figure than the SHMA on the basis of past over-supply and the unproved economic growth figures.
The West Oxon 2031 Local Plan Examination will be divided into two separate sessions.
The first session dealing with strategic matters including the duty to co-operate and housing and employment requirements will begin at 10am on Monday 23 November and will run until Thursday 26 November.
See a copy of the final hearing programme.
The second examination session will begin on Wednesday 3 February 2016. A detailed timetable will be made available as soon as possible.
All hearing sessions will be held at the Council’s Woodgreen offices in Witney.
See a map of the council offices.
Anyone wishing to observe the hearings is asked to contact Rosemary Morton, the programme officer in advance.
See CPRE Oxfordshire’s Hearing Statement.
CPRE Oxfordshire 2 November.