Green Belt Seminar December 2023

19th December 2023
We were delighted to see so many interested parties at our Planning & the Green Belt seminar last week. For those that were able to join us on the day, we hope you enjoyed Steven Sensecall’s presentation and the lively conversation in the Question & Answer session that followed.
A copy of the presentation slides, along with a transcript of the Qs & As, is below.
Our new film – the Importance of the Green Belt – is available here (run time – 3mins).
You will find the CPRE State of the Green Belt report on the National CPRE website here.
CPRE Oxfordshire’s position statement on the Green Belt is available here and sets out our view that the Green Belt should not be built on other than in genuinely exceptional circumstances, where the development is widely accepted as in the public interest and when it could only achieve its purpose if it were located on Green Belt land.
If you have any follow-up questions or require further information, please do get in touch.