Final chance to have your say on Main Modifications to Vale Local Plan

7th September 2016
The consultation on the Main Modifications to the Vale Local Plan 2031 ends on Wednesday 14 September – this is your last chance to respond.
The Vale Local Plan Inspector recently published his main Interim Findings on the Local Plan 2031 Part 1. The Inspector indicated that, subject to “main modifications”, the plan is likely to be found sound.
The consultation on the Council’s Schedule of Main Modifications to the Local Plan closes on Wednesday 14 September.
See CPRE Oxfordshire’s response below (a Summary of our response, plus copies of our four Response Forms).
Consultation on Main Modifications to Local Plan
The Inspector is inviting comments on the proposed Main Modifications as part of the Examination process for the Local Plan 2031 Part 1. The Main Modifications have been identified by the Inspector as those necessary to make the Spatail Strategy and Strategic Policies contained within the Local Plan sound. The Inspector will consider all representations submitted to the Schedule of Main Modifications consultation before publishing his final report, which is expected later this year.
Have your say
Online – please use the Vale online Consultation Portal.
Alternatively, a Response Form can be downloaded electronically from the Council website (see ‘Downloads’ in right hand corner).
This can be returned by post to:
Planning Policy,
Vale of White Horse District Council,
135 Milton Park,
OX14 4SB
Or via Email:
Any submissions received after the deadline of Wednesday 14 September may not be considered.
CPRE Oxfordshire, 7 September