District Chair Vacancies.

3rd March 2025
We have 2 District Chair vacancies – South Oxfordshire and West Oxfordshire.
Make a difference to your countryside, and work with like minded people.
CPRE fights for a better future for the countryside and our rural communities.
Campaigning is carried out by county-based branches, which aim to influence decision making on a range of environmental and land-use issues, such as housing, transport, footpaths and water.
If you’d like to come and join the team at CPRE Oxfordshire, please see the general job description below. Each district has a bespoke profile, which we can discuss with you at a later date.
We are asking for an initial deadline of April, but we are very happy to take enquiries at any time.
District Chair Job DescriptionTo apply, please send a (covering) letter, ideally with a CV, to: administrator@cpreoxon.org.uk
For an informal discussion about the role, please contact our Branch Director Lisa Warne
E: director@cpreoxon.org.uk T: 01491 612079 / M: 07907 708487.
For more information about the work of CPRE Oxfordshire and other volunteering roles available, please contact the Branch Office
T: 01491 612079 or Email administrator@cpreoxon.org.uk