CPRE Oxfordshire AGM 2024 – Sat 29 June

29th April 2024
2.30pm, Saturday 29 June
St Edmund Hall, Oxford OX1 4AR
Please join us to hear all the latest news and views on CPRE Oxfordshire’s campaigns and activities over the last year and what we have planned for the future.

After the AGM, we are delighted that our speaker will be Professor Rosie Hails, Nature and Science Director at The National Trust.
We are in the midst of a nature and climate crisis. The response required includes profound land use change. As a major land
owner in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, The National Trust is developing a strategy to become net zero in carbon by 2030. Rosie will describe the journey they are on, and how they are using scientific evidence to respond to the nature and climate crisis at scale. Part of this involves the creation of seventeen Nature Accelerators across the National Trust estate, including the Buscot and Coleshill Estate just outside Swindon.
Further information
Full information, including a list of candidates being put forward for election, last year’s AGM minutes, our Annual Report and Accounts and a Proxy voting form, is available below.
If you would like hard copies sent to you by post, we will be very happy to provide these – just contact the Branch Office: T: 01491 612079 or E: administrator@cpreoxon.org.uk