CPRE Objects to relocation of Oxford City football stadium

24th February 2025
A planning application for the relocation of the Oxford City football stadium has been submitted and is currently under consideration. The details of the application can be found here.
CPRE Oxfordshire object to the approval of this application for four primary reasons:
- the transport network is insufficient to accommodate the increased traffic and parking and further work must be undertaken to find means to alleviate this before any advancement of these plans
- the site plays a vital role in protecting the green space between Kidlington and Oxford City and was part of a plan created and funded by Oxfordshire County Council to prevent the two coalescing. If allowed, it also potentially opens the commercial development of the rest of Frieze Way.
- the remaining areas of nearby land which remains in the Green Belt, such as the Stratfield Brake sports grounds, are in danger of becoming car parking for the proposed stadium by default.
- the lack of any strategy to deal with the issue of foul water disposal.
CPRE Oxfordshire commissioned an independent Transport Assessment Review to establish whether the Traffic Assessments provided by OUFC were sound, as we were concerned that in addition to the impact the proposed Stadium would have its effect would be much wider and negatively affect other areas within the Green Belt and the wider countryside around Oxford. The findings show our concerns were justified as the Review states:
“It has been concluded that the transport impacts associated with the new stadium proposals have not been fully considered”
The land for he proposed site is owned by Oxfordshire County Council and was bought by them in 1937 for the specific purpose of protecting the green space between Oxford City and Kidlington. The need to protect the coalescence of these two urban areas and the Green Belt remains as vital today.
There is next to no information in the papers submitted by OUFC in relation to how it is expecting to deal with the issue of sewage. Although the ultimate responsibility for providing this off-site would be for Thames Water, OUFC need to show that there is a suitable connection for this to happen and adequate means of storing sewage on site.
CPRE Oxfordshire seek further analysis and actions plans to address our areas of concern.