CPRE Countryside & Environment Hustings

multiple arms raised in different colours

13th June 2024

CPRE Oxfordshire will be holding a Countryside & Environment Hustings at 6.30pm on Monday 1st July at Yarnton village hall.

Book your place here

Join us for an evening of debate and discussion with the prospective parliamentary candidates for the new constituency of Bicester and Woodstock. This is your chance to hear directly from those vying for your vote and ask them the burning questions on your mind. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with your potential representatives and make an informed decision come election day.

The event will be chaired by Roger Mortlock, the Chief Executive at National CPRE. We have invited all candidates. Those confirmed so far are:

  • Conservative – Rupert Harrison
  • Green Party – Ian Middleton
  • Labour – Veronica Oakeshott
  • Liberal Democrats – Calum Miller

Tim Funnell, Social Democratic Party, is sadly unable to attend. Augustine Obodo, Reform, has yet to confirm.

The landmark 2023 State of Nature Report has shown that the UK – already classified as one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries – is continuing to allow nature to decline. At CPRE Oxfordshire we are calling upon all political parties to commit to policies that will protect the countryside and environment for the benefit of current and future generations.

A recent survey conducted by the CPRE Oxfordshire demonstrates huge support for the protection of the Green Belt, which will be crucial in protecting biodiversity and tackling climate change. We will also be interested to hear what the candidates have to say on both renewables (especially solar, as a potential issue for the constituency given the proposed Botley West Solar Farm), and water, with a focus on flooding, sewage and Abingdon reservoir.

The event will include opening speeches from all candidates to introduce themselves and their campaigns, followed by a Q&A session with each candidate allocated time to respond to each question. All those who register will have the opportunity to submit a question. The event will end with short closing speeches for candidates to sum up their respective campaigns and how they will deliver for our countryside.

Book your place here