City Council to produce a new Local Plan for Oxford

14th June 2016
The City Council is to produce a new Local Plan for Oxford. Its ‘First Steps’ consultation will start on 27 June 2016.
The City Council has this week announced it is taking its first steps towards producing a new Oxford Local Plan 2016-2036.
The Local Plan will shape how Oxford develops over the next 20 years, delivering new homes, businesses, jobs, shops and infrastructure.
‘First Steps’ consultation
The City Council’s ‘First Steps’ consultation – to begin on 27 June – will “help develop a vision for the city in 2036, to gather ideas on a range of scenarios for future development and to check that we have identified the right issues.”
Consultation will be in a variety of forms. At the start of the consultation the City will publish background papers on key topics and a consultation booklet with detailed questions, which will be available to answer in an online questionnaire.
The City Council will also be attending various events across the city from the end of June and throughout July – the City will publish a list of it we will be before the start of the consultation.
Once adopted the Oxford Local Plan 2036 will replace the Local Plan 2001-2016, the Core Strategy 2026 and the Sites and Housing Plan.
CPRE will be studying the background papers and the consultation document in detail and we will be responding to the consultation – more details will be available on our website shortly.
Consultation closes on 5 August.
CPRE Oxfordshire, 14 June