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Latest news from CPRE Oxfordshire

Photo by Simon Godfrey on Unsplash

Cherwell Local Plan 2040

Cherwell District Council votes to accept its Local Plan Part 1 Review – the 4,400 houses in the Oxford Green Belt.

Image courtesy of Reading Borough Council

Reading Transport Strategy 2036

South Oxfordshire Local Plan – Preliminary Conclusions

Chalgrove Airfield proposed development – last chance to have your say

Cherwell LPP1 Review – Inspector’s Report published

Overhaul of England’s Planning System

POETS: Oxford to Cambridge expressway by stealth?

Nice Words – Now Let’s Have The Action

Oxfordshire OpenThought consultation

CPRE challenges Arc Leaders to open up to the public on development plans for the Oxford-Cambridge Arc

South Oxfordshire Local Plan set to radically alter District: CPRE Oxfordshire will not give up fight for communities and countryside