West Oxfordshire Local Plan

‘Your Voice Counts’ Consultation Following a recent change in political administration, the District Council is updating both its Local Plan and Council Plan. Consultation is now live and due to close on 5th October. The Council is seeking the views of local residents, organisations and businesses on the areas they should focus on within these…

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Our Queen, our Patron

The end of an era: a message from our Chief Executive We at CPRE, the countryside charity, are deeply saddened to learn of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We were honoured to have her as our patron throughout her long reign and today marks the end of an era for us all. …

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Forget the Arc – Reset Regional Planning

Ben Seymour, Unsplash

Image Credit: Ben Seymour, Unsplash CPRE Oxfordshire is asking Councillors to look at regional planning again, starting from first principles. The OxCam Arc may not quite yet be dead, but we should take this opportunity to see where it all went wrong. The top down imposition of projects and ambitions was never going to sit…

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Would the Abingdon Reservoir Solve Oxfordshire’s Drought?

Plans for an Abingdon Reservoir have been around for more than 20 years, and Thames Water remain focused on a 12km mega-reservoir project, built on farmland between 3 nearby villages with a 25-metre-high bund wall. The reservoir will hold 150 billion litres of water intended to supply London and the Affinity Water regions of the…

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Oxfordshire Plan 2050 – Cancelled!

The cancellation of the Oxfordshire Plan is a very disappointing outcome. Only last week we were promised a further consultation, particularly addressing housing numbers. It would clearly be better to plan for the whole of Oxfordshire than for each of the five District Councils to make individual plans. As we understand it, the cancellation of…

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Salt Cross Net Zero Ambition Crushed

artists impression of Salt Cross Garden Village

Image credit: Grosvenor oxongv.co.uk Salt Cross is a new ‘garden village’ being built at Eynsham in West Oxfordshire. Having fought against the development, the local community has subsequently worked extremely hard to try to ensure it is an exemplar of good development – including net zero commitments. West Oxfordshire District Council, supported by strong public views,…

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Calls to Protect Prime Farmland

child and dog leaning on farm gate

Image credit: Abigail Oliver New CPRE research has found there’s been an amazing hundred-fold increase in our best farmland lost to development in little more than a decade. As a result, we’re telling government we need a land strategy and new planning rules to safeguard our food security. Newly published research on food security has found…

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Volunteer Opportunity – Oxford District Chair

Whilst CPRE has both members and volunteers within the City area, we have been without a formal City-based district committee for a number of years.  We are now keen to re-establish this group and are looking for a dynamic chairperson, or co-chairs, to help us achieve this.  There are others willing to participate, but we…

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Proposed Green Belt Solar Farm at Noke

Land at Noke

Plans for a 43 hectare solar farm, within the Oxford Green Belt north of Noke are currently being considered. View the application and have your say on the Cherwell District Council website. Deadline for comment is 22nd July. CPRE Oxfordshire has objected to the application: “There would be severe damage to the Green Belt, its…

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Thames Water Consultation

Drainage and Waste Water Management Plan These are new long-term plans that set out how wastewater systems, and the drainage networks that serve them, are to be extended, improved and maintained to ensure they are resilient against future pressures such as climate change and population growth. Consultation on the draft plan is open, closing Thursday…

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