Solar Energy has a place on roofs, not valuable open fields

houses with rooftop solar panels

South Oxfordshire Councillors have recently recognised that in the near future solar energy may be made redundant by more efficient renewable energy sources which are “on” all the time, rather than only when the sun shines. They are right, not least with South Oxfordshire’s own fusion laboratory working hard at Culham to develop reliable and…

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Take part in Hedgelife Help Out

Join in with our Hedgelife Help Out between 1 and 31 May and help us build a nationwide picture of how healthy our hedgerows are. As part of the Big Help Out, we’re asking people nationwide to check the health of their local hedgerows, and take part in Hedgelife Help Out. Hedgerows are the vital stitching in…

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Local Elections – does your candidate support the countryside?

Credit: Steve Houghton-Burnett on Unsplash This May, we are asking candidates in Local Elections to consider 4 key topics. CPRE’s 2022 State of brownfield report shows that the amount of previously developed land continues to grow across England. Currently there’s enough space for over 1.2 million homes to be built across 23,000 sites covering more…

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Oxford Green Belt Way Circular Walk

10am Sunday 30th April, meeting at Thornhill Park & Ride, Oxford. Join us on a 10 km (6 mile) guided walk leaving urban Oxford and exploring the surrounding countryside, including the Oxford Green Belt. Booking essential, click here for more information and to book a place. Free – donations are welcome either on the day…

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Local Area Energy Plan for Oxfordshire a big step in right direction

Countryside charity CPRE Oxfordshire is claiming a campaign win after its calls for a county-wide renewable energy strategy appear to have been acknowledged. The Future Oxfordshire Partnership has met to consider a proposal for a Local Area Energy Plan, as part of a broader Pathways to Zero Carbon Oxfordshire (PaZCo) Action Plan. Helen Marshall, Director,…

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Oxford City’s growth agenda threatens countryside

View of Oxford Photo: © Jane Tomlinson

Oxford City is currently consulting on a new round of high growth-based housing figures for Oxford. Brownfield sites are being prioritised for employment, meaning the pressure on housing supply in the city will increase with ‘affordable’ housing remaining out of reach for most households. CPRE Oxfordshire believes these sites should instead be focused on high…

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Calling Green Belt Parishes!

Will yet more Oxford City overspill be coming soon to a Green Belt near you?   The same consultants are back with a new round of high growth based housing figures for Oxford. But with brownfield sites in the City still being prioritised for jobs growth rather than housing, it looks like the City Council will…

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