Oxfordshire Plan 2050: Oxfordshire needs truly affordable homes

Jericho, Oxford Credit Kamyar Adl/flickr

Image: Jericho, Oxford. Credit: Kamyar Adl/flickr CPRE Oxfordshire believes the answer is simple: higher density housing that is good for the pocket and the planet. The Oxfordshire Plan 2050 offers an opportunity to develop houses local people can afford. CPRE Oxfordshire argues that new housing should be well-designed, higher density, low cost and use the minimum amount…

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WE NEED A FAIR & ROBUST CONSULTATION PROCESS Update – new consultation deadline date – 19th November 2021. Documents republished with revised redactions.  The next step for Thames Water’s plans for a mega-reservoir near Abingdon is to pass a ‘GATE 1’ approval process being run by RAPID, a joint Ofwat, Environment Agency and Drinking Water…

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Government must urgently rethink Oxford-Cambridge Arc to protect nature and climate

Proposals for significant new housing and infrastructure development are bypassing critical safeguards for environment Government plans for rapid growth and development between Oxford and Cambridge, known as the Oxford-Cambridge Arc, risk damaging impacts on nature and climate unless they urgently rethink their approach, according to nature conservation and countryside charities the RSPB, The Woodland Trust,…

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CPRE Oxfordshire’s 90th anniversary appeal

Image courtesy of Amanda Garrett

In the midst of planning chaos – help us get countryside voices heard. Please help us raise £10,000 match funding to recruit a Planning Co-ordinator. Oxfordshire has been identified as a ‘growth hub’ – OxCam Arc proposals are lining us up for a near doubling of our housing stock and population by 2050.  Many of our…

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CPRE Oxfordshire’s 90th Anniversary 1931 – 2021

2021 marks 90 years of CPRE Oxfordshire. We will be taking a look back at past campaigns, how the county has changed and what it might look like in the future. CPRE Oxfordshire was founded on 7th March 1931 at the County Hall, Oxford. John Buchan, author and MP became CPRE Oxfordshire’s first Chairman. At that…

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CPRE releases ground-breaking new research into hedgerows

George Tomlinson

A new report investigates the huge environmental and economic benefits of hedgerows and shows that boosting them by 40% would create 25,000 jobs over the next 30 years and yield almost £4 for every £1 invested. The new research, undertaken independently by the Organic Research Centre, is laid out in a report: ‘Hedge fund: investing in hedgerows for…

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Oxford Plan 2040 – Build Communities NOT Car Parks

CPRE Oxford is calling for an urgent review of use of land within the City as part of the Oxford Plan 2040.Consultation closes 25th August CPRE Oxford welcomes what appears to be a necessary response to Brexit, the Covid pandemic and evidence of accelerating climate instability. However, the underlying driver remains growth: of the population,…

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OxCam Arc Vision Consultation

As the Government now consults on its Vision for the OxCam Arc, is this a growth promotion project or a way of delivering a clean, green recovery?  We fear the former, would love the latter.  But what hope of taking on the vested interests?HAVE YOUR SAY! The Government has now launched its consultation on the…

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Oxford City launches Local Plan 2040 Consultation

View of Oxford Photo: © Jane Tomlinson

Live in Oxford? What do you think the city should look like in 2040?Just over a week to respond – consultation closes 25th August Oxford City has launched the opening ‘Issues’ consultation on its new Local Plan 2040, which will eventually supercede the Local Plan 2036 which it adopted last year. The Oxfordshire Plan 2050 will…

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