Are developers setting Oxfordshire’s housing targets?

As local authorities this week consider a report on the Oxfordshire 2050 Plan, concerns are growing that developers are getting an undue say in the process. Now CPRE Oxfordshire is asking local authority Scrutiny Committees to step in and insist on clarity. Helen Marshall, Director, CPRE Oxfordshire, said: “It is vital that the District Council…

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Oxfordshire Local Transport and Connectivity Plan

Oxfordshire County Council are working on a new Local Transport Plan to include digital connectivity (LTCP). The plan will be a long-term vision for transport across the county and the policies required to deliver it. The survey and associated draft plans and documents can be found on the Oxfordshire County Council website. Public webinars have…

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Bicester Airfield Development Threatens Historic Site

Image – Historic England Archive: 26632_011 Approved plans to develop Bicester Airfield, a listed Scheduled Monument and Local Wildlife Site will harm the historic assets of the site: in particular the unique open grass flying field and the setting for the buildings in the Conservation Area. Bicester Motion have had an outline planning application approved…

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Government Proposals to Strengthen Protected Landscapes Announced

The proposals, which will be subject to consultation, are set out in the Government’s response to Julian Glover’s independent Landscapes Review which looked at whether the protections for National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) are still fit for purpose. The Government’s response sets out ambitious changes to increase access to nature and ensure protected…

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Vale of White Horse Council drops Housing Land Supply target by 32%

Vale of White Horse District Council (VoWH) is to start using an annual housing requirement figure based on the government’s ‘standard method’. Following a review of its Local Plan Part One (LPP1) VoWH found that the Housing Land Supply figure needs updating. As a result the council’s annual housing requirement figure fall from 1,211 each…

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Civic Groups Call for Review of the Oxfordshire Plan Housing Assessment

Oxfordshire groups representing thousands of the County’s residents call for an independent review of the Oxfordshire Growth Needs Assessment. Oxfordshire groups have written a joint letter to the leaders of all Oxfordshire Councils (Note 1) calling for an independent review of the Oxfordshire Growth Needs Assessment (OGNA), the document that sets out the basis for…

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CPRE Oxfordshire Flooding and Pollution Map

Is your neighbourhood on the map? CPRE Flooding and Pollution Map (Nov 2021) Thanks to the Town and Parish councils who responded to our Flooding and Pollution survey we have a good picture of the flooding and pollution issues across Oxfordshire. However, there may be areas that have been missed. If your village or town…

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1 in 5 Oxfordshire towns and parishes face flooding and pollution issues

Flooding at Crawley

CPRE Oxfordshire has published a report identifying issues of flooding and water quality across the County.  Findings show that at least 17% of towns & parishes in Oxfordshire experience flooding problems and at least 20% of towns & parishes experience issues with sewage/sewerage infrastructure. CPRE Oxfordshire sent a survey to the 235 Parish Councils, 15…

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Oxfordshire Plan 2050: CPRE Oxfordshire calls for independent review of flawed Growth Needs Assessment

CPRE Oxfordshire believes that an independent peer-review of the Oxfordshire Growth Needs Assessment is required in order to address concerns about its approach that deviates from the Government’s Standard Methodology and pushes assumptions consistently towards the higher growth proposed in the Oxfordshire Plan 2050. The Government’s Standard Method, based on ONS 2014 standard household projections…

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