Posts by Nemone Caldwell
District Chair Vacancies.
We have 2 District Chair vacancies – South Oxfordshire and West Oxfordshire. Make a difference to your countryside, and work with like minded people. CPRE fights for a better future for the countryside and our rural communities. Campaigning is carried out by county-based branches, which aim to influence decision making on a range of environmental…
Read MoreOxford City Local Plan to be rewritten
The Oxford City Local Plan 2042 is to be rewritten following last year’s rejection of the previous draft Plan over its failure to cooperate with neighbouring districts over housing numbers. We expect the consultation timeline of the new Plan to be : CPRE Oxfordshire is supportive of fast tracking a new Local Plan on the…
Read MoreCPRE Objects to relocation of Oxford City football stadium
A planning application for the relocation of the Oxford City football stadium has been submitted and is currently under consideration. The details of the application can be found here. CPRE Oxfordshire object to the approval of this application for four primary reasons: CPRE Oxfordshire commissioned an independent Transport Assessment Review to establish whether the Traffic…
Read MoreLast chance to have your say on the Botley West Solar Farm
If you felt that you weren’t heard by the developers during their consultations on the Botley West Solar Farm, you still have an opportunity to tell the Inspectorate what you think. But they will only listen to interested parties, so please do make sure you register before the deadline on 27th February. The mega solar…
Read MoreCherwell Local Plan in final public stage
Cherwell District Council published the final public (Reg 19) stage of their Local Plan consultation before it is presented to the Inspectors just before Christmas and it can be found here. The consultation period ran until Tuesday 25th February. The Local Plan is an important document which outlines the future development of the area, including the policies and…
Read MoreCould you be our next Treasurer?
CPRE Oxfordshire is the voice of the countryside in Oxfordshire. We fight for the right development in the right place and work to protect, promote and enhance our amazing local landscapes and rural character. We’re currently looking for a Treasurer to join a dedicated team of Trustees. By volunteering with us you will be joining…
Read MoreA Healthy Economy depends on a Healthy Ecosystem
On Wednesday, Rachel Reeves, Chancellor of the Exchequer, chose to deliver a major economic speech in Oxfordshire, signalling the importance of the county in her plans for delivering growth. While we welcome the recognition of Oxfordshire’s unique position and national significance, with escalating growth comes a need for more homes, offices and associated infrastructure, putting…
Read MorePlans for Abingdon Resevoir would increase flooding and threaten biodiversity
As plans for Thames Water’s mega reservoir press ahead, we believe the project would be a huge and costly mistake, not only for the customers of Thames Water, but also for the landscape that surrounds it. The weight of 150 billion litres of water stored above ground would have a serious effect on groundwater surface…
Read MoreAsk your MP to back The Sunshine Bill
Friday 17th January sees the second reading of the Sunshine Bill, offering the first chance for the bill to be debated in parliament. The Private Members Bill, proposed by LibDem MP, Max Wilkinson, would make it compulsory for new builds to incorporate solar panels on the roof. This is a critical opportunity to progress the…
Read MoreCherwell Local Plan – Consultation Dates
Cherwell District Council published their Local Plan just before Christmas and can be found here. The Local Plan is an important document which outlines the future development of the area, including the policies and proposals for new development. It also sets out the council’s plans to respond to climate change, to protect the environment and…
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