Oxfordshire Nature Campaign gains momentum: Sign the E-Petition Today

Nature 2030 logo

In the face of a pressing biodiversity, climate and health crisis, Oxfordshire’s environmental community is rallying together to make a resounding call for the inclusion of nature on every political agenda.  Yesterday, RSPB released the findings from their latest State of Nature report, reconfirming that the UK is one of the worst countries in the…

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Abingdon Reservoir: It’s back and it’s bigger. Please act now!

Stop the Reservoir banner

Thames Water has announced that not only will it continue with its proposals for the Abingdon Reservoir but that it intends to revert to its earlier plans for a 150 billion litre reservoir. That’s 50% larger than the proposal Thames Water consulted on earlier this year, which received overwhelming criticism from the public, MPs and…

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West Oxfordshire Local Plan – Have your say!

UPDATE: FINAL CPRE OXFORDSHIRE RESPONSE – INCLUDING OUR JOINT RESPONSE WITH LOCAL PARISHES – AVAILABLE AT FOOT OF THIS PAGE. Thanks to all those that contributed and helped to speak up for our West Oxfordshire countryside. We expect the District Council to publish its full draft Local Plan in autumn 2024. ** The latest consultation…

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