Abingdon Reservoir consultation response

Thames Water map of the proposed site of the Abingdon Reservoir

12th August 2024

Thames Water continues with their plans to build a new reservoir near Abingdon and are currently seeking responses in their consultation which closes on August 28th.

It is CPRE Oxfordshire’s opinion that the consultation questionnaire does not cover several of the critical questions, so we have submitted a written response to SESRO@ipsos.com.

If you have 5-10 minutes, we would ask you to respond and, ideally in your own words, cover some of these points:

  • The need for the reservoir is unproven. Future water demand projections are uncertain so we think that Thames Water should be considering more flexible and scalable solutions. One large reservoir, which may not be drought resistant does not give the flexibility of other options.
  • More detail needs to be provided on the water quality of the proposed reservoir and how it will be managed. We have serious concerns, considering the intake will be downstream of the sewage treatment outlets, and that there are well documented water quality problems in this area.
  • The analysis of flood and safety risks are completely inadequate, and more work must be undertaken to understand these risks.
  • A full Environmental Impact Assessment must be undertaken as we consider the local impacts to be underestimated in this consultation.

Given the huge uncertainties and risks involved in this project CPRE Oxfordshire call for a Public Inquiry, as demanded by GARD (Group against Reservoir Development) and many local MPs, councils and campaign groups.

Details of the project, the consultation documents and a consultation questionnaire can be found here.

Our full response can be found here.

And if you haven’t already, please consider signing our petition here