Oxford Green Belt more valued now than 10 years ago

View of Oxford with trees in the foreground

Ten years ago we commissioned research into the Green Belt which showed that over 70% of Oxfordshire wanted it to remain undeveloped. This year we replicated the survey with a local research consultancy to see how opinion might have changed and were enthused to see that, in that time, support for the Green Belt has…

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New Botley West Solar Consultation

Solar Array

The developers behind the massive Botley West industrial solar proposal have launched a new ‘targeted’ consultation, running until Sunday 28 July. The overall proposed landtake is huge, covering more than 1,000 hectares of land in Cherwell, West Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse, largely within the Oxford Green Belt. The consultation outlines a range of…

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CPRE Countryside & Environment Hustings

multiple arms raised in different colours

CPRE Oxfordshire will be holding a Countryside & Environment Hustings at 6.30pm on Monday 1st July at Yarnton village hall. Book your place here Join us for an evening of debate and discussion with the prospective parliamentary candidates for the new constituency of Bicester and Woodstock. This is your chance to hear directly from those vying for…

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Vote for a beautiful & thriving countryside for all

Our manifesto for the next Government CPRE believes in countryside and green spaces that are accessible to all, rich in nature and that play a crucial role in responding to the climate emergency. We want to see political parties commit to support common-sense and practical policies that would help secure a thriving countryside for generations…

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FoI request unearths EA’s advice to Secretary of State regarding Abingdon Reservoir

GARD aerial photo montage of Abingdon Reservoir

Following a Freedom of Information request, the Group Against Reservoir Development (GARD) have unearthed the Environment Agency’s advice to the Secretary of State regarding plans for the reservoir at Abingdon. Their report states that the plan should not go ahead due to “outstanding concerns regarding costs, justification and options appraisal” and points more firmly towards…

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