The d’Arcy Dalton Way

The d’Arcy Dalton Way is a long distance walk named after Col. W.P. d’Arcy Dalton, a notable defender of Oxfordshire’s rights of way and the first chairman of CPRE Oxfordshire’s Rights of Way Group. The 66 mile walk follows the western boundary of Oxfordshire, running north of Banbury to south of Abingdon..
An updated guide by local author Nick Moon is available.
This newly revised edition is an essential companion to anyone walking the 66 miles which pass through almost wholly unspoiled countryside, taking in tranquil and little-known villages and enjoying wildlife along the way. There are also descriptions of eight circular walks off the main route.
This edition has been sponsored by CPRE Oxfordshire with support from the Oxford Fieldpaths Society.
Copies are available direct from CPRE Oxfordshire and from selected bookshops, stationers and information centres in Oxfordshire and surrounding counties. It is also available on-line from Walking Pages, Walking-Books and Blackwell’s.
- ISBN 9780955772313
- Rucksack-friendly
- A5 Paperback, 128pp
- Illustrated with 25 maps
- RRP: £10
To obtain a copy from CPRE Oxfordshire, please send a cheque for £12.00 (which includes £2 post & packaging) made payable to CPRE Oxfordshire.
Please remember to include the name & address of the person to whom the book should be mailed.
d’ArcyDaltonWay Guide
CPRE Oxfordshire
20 High Street
OX49 5PY
For further info:
T: 01491 612079