Renewable Energy

Last modified:
20th February 2023
Climate change is real and it’s taking its toll on the countryside. Within a few decades it will have altered many of our landscapes forever. We are already suffering the effects of wet winters, dry springs, storms and shifting seasons. Our high-carbon economy, based on roads and airport expansion, and energy-inefficient buildings, needs to make way for low-carbon, carefully planned development.
CPRE Oxfordshire is calling for a properly thought out strategy for the location of renewable energy, as more of Oxfordshire’s farmland is targeted by solar companies.
With applications increasing dramatically, we have published a map showing existing solar installations across the county and those currently under consideration. The map will be regularly updated to reflect new solar farm applications.
Oxfordshire Solar Farms Map (updated February 23)
Read more here: CPRE calls for County-wide renewable energy strategy.
Download our position statement below: