Abingdon Reservoir

Last modified:
4th February 2025
CPRE Oxfordshire opposes the proposed mega-reservoir near Abingdon.
Thames Water are proposing a large new reservoir in the Steventon and Hanney area, near Abingdon, Oxfordshire. It would store approximately 150 billion litres (equal to 33 billion gallons) on an area of agricultural land about 10 sq km. The chosen site is flat clay vale, so the water will need to be contained by an embankment; the maximum height will be 25 metres (80 feet) in height and would only occur opposite Marcham.
Whilst securing sustainable future for water in our region is critical, the proposal for the mega reservoir will have massive environmental and carbon costs. 11 times the size of Farmoor, its construction would threaten over 200 veteran and ancient trees in the area, along with the wildlife that depend on them. It would also increase flood risk to nearby towns and villages by raising the groundwater levels by a metre, further exacerbated by the loss of trees and natural landscape.
On a positive note Thames Water have committed to reduce leakage by 50% by 2050. If a 50% reduction is met, it amounts to a saving of 300 million litres per day, equal to the amount which the proposed reservoir would supply: making the case for building a mega-reservoir hard to justify!
Read CPRE Oxfordshire’s responses to date within the Resources section on the website.
Visit Group Against Reservoir Development’s website here.
And sign our petition calling for a public inquiry here